Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Turn In My Life

   7th grade brought so much with it.  I never expected that much to change that year.
   Let's start with first semester.  I had my best friends: Thomas and Isabel.  We were always together at school, we were best friends and we could talk to each other about anything and everything.  We all knew everything about each other and were talking as much as we could.  We all had other friends but when it came down to it us three were the really good, best friends.
   This started to change come end of first semester.  Thomas and Isabel began to like each other. Now I was just a third wheel, extra and awkward. I guess this is really what pulled Isabel and I apart, or maybe it was just time we found other best friends, who knows.
   After Isabel and I started to grow apart I became friends with Kim.  I always thought Kim hated me, and I think she did for a while, but when she decided I was her new best friend I was.
   We started hanging out after a math tournament and after that we were inseparable.  Kim and I went through a lot together.  I could tell her anything and she could tell me anything.  We spent every weekend together and each other's houses were like our second house.  It was weird after a while to not be with Kim.
   After Thomas and Isabel liked each other I ended up being the one to end it between them.  It was weird.  I always imagined Isabel and Thomas as my best friends and then I was the one who had to break it to Thomas that they were over.  This turned out differently than I had ever expected it would...
   I told Thomas that Isabel didn't like him anymore and then I tried to help him get through it, but after a while of him acting like he just didn't care what I said I gave up.  I told him I was done being his friend and that if he was gonna act like I didn't matter then I was done.  We argued all night and into the early hours of the morning.  Eventually he tried apologizing, but after how mad I was with him it wasn't happening. I told him to leave me alone and that I didn't want anything to do with him.
   I never expected that one single fight to change my life so much...