Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Turn In My Life

   7th grade brought so much with it.  I never expected that much to change that year.
   Let's start with first semester.  I had my best friends: Thomas and Isabel.  We were always together at school, we were best friends and we could talk to each other about anything and everything.  We all knew everything about each other and were talking as much as we could.  We all had other friends but when it came down to it us three were the really good, best friends.
   This started to change come end of first semester.  Thomas and Isabel began to like each other. Now I was just a third wheel, extra and awkward. I guess this is really what pulled Isabel and I apart, or maybe it was just time we found other best friends, who knows.
   After Isabel and I started to grow apart I became friends with Kim.  I always thought Kim hated me, and I think she did for a while, but when she decided I was her new best friend I was.
   We started hanging out after a math tournament and after that we were inseparable.  Kim and I went through a lot together.  I could tell her anything and she could tell me anything.  We spent every weekend together and each other's houses were like our second house.  It was weird after a while to not be with Kim.
   After Thomas and Isabel liked each other I ended up being the one to end it between them.  It was weird.  I always imagined Isabel and Thomas as my best friends and then I was the one who had to break it to Thomas that they were over.  This turned out differently than I had ever expected it would...
   I told Thomas that Isabel didn't like him anymore and then I tried to help him get through it, but after a while of him acting like he just didn't care what I said I gave up.  I told him I was done being his friend and that if he was gonna act like I didn't matter then I was done.  We argued all night and into the early hours of the morning.  Eventually he tried apologizing, but after how mad I was with him it wasn't happening. I told him to leave me alone and that I didn't want anything to do with him.
   I never expected that one single fight to change my life so much...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

6th Grade

   Moving right next to the coast seemed like a dream for the longest time, but then reality had to come and crash down all around me.  Truth was that I didn't want to leave.  I was happy in Leander, I had good friends, was excited for middle school, and I just plainly didn't want to leave.  But by the time I realized that it was too late.
   The drive was so long and we left around 1 in the morning because that's when we were done packing.  The house was furnished, so when we got there I went straight to what I decided was my room, and went to sleep.
   I thought maybe it was all a dream, but that wasn't the case because when I woke up it was all still there.
   The summer went by long and monotonously.  My parents worked, a babysitter watched us, and every day was long and boring.  We went to the beach occasionally, but we had no friends because we were new and didn't have any opportunities to meet people.  It was so boring and made me miss my friends even more.  I lost all contact with my friends and missed them more and more every day.
   The first day of sixth grade was so scary- another new school, a new group of people, a new everything.  Everyone knew everyone and everyone had been together since they were little.  I would never know what that was like because I had left everything and just kept moving.  I felt like an outcast from the first day I moved there, from that first day of school, and that feeling never quite went away.
   That year would have been torture if it weren't for Isabel.  Isabel ended up being my best friend for a long time.  Her and I were like sisters.  We fought like sisters, but yet we were so close.  
   Anyway- I met Isabel when I didn't know where to go for my Pre-Algebra class.  I was put in my grade math because they didn't know what level I was at.  I was wandering around a three hallway school looking like an idiot when Isabel came up and asked me what was wrong and then told me where to go.  It wasn't like she told me where to go and just left, she stuck with me and kept talking to me.  It was nice, my first real friend at SMA.  I soon bonded with her friends too, but they weren't as long term friends or as close with me as Isabel.
   That school year went by as any normal sixth grade girl's would: friends, boys (kinda), and drama.  But that summer was amazing.
   Isabel basically lived with me all summer.  We really were like sisters.  Whenever we fought she went home, but within a few days she was back and we were best friends again.  We hung out with people from school and my new babysitter turned into my big sister.  Her family was my second family and my siblings and I were with her more than my parents.  Whenever my parents were off we had family time and went to the beach or just spent time together.  It was almost like the perfect mix between friends, family, and everything.
   We lived at the beach that year, we went every day or every other day.  "What do you want to do today?" The answer was always, "Let's go to the beach!" And we always did.
   But nothing would prepare me for the next school year when so much changed.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

4th and 5th Grade

   I met my first and best friends within hours of pulling up to the new house.  Hannah and Zoe.  These girls were like my sisters and I still absolutely love them to this day.  Hannah was my age and Zoe was two years younger, but with us age didn't matter.  We were always together, all summer, the four of us- Hannah, Zoe, Savannah (my sister), and me.
   Soon enough school rolled around and I was scared out of my mind, I'd been going to the same school from kindergarten to 3rd grade.  My only hope was to be in the same class as Hannah, and sure enough I was.
   That was a hard year.  The school was HUGE compared to my old school and well, any school I've been to since.  1400 kids in one elementary school wasn't easy, especially when I came from a school of 360-ish kids.  We were only there for one year though, and before we knew it there was another move and a new house, group of kids, and school.
   Now before this move there was a very significant event that occurred.  Between the year that we had been at this house we had adopted three more pets:
1. Precious- our outdoor cat.  She was a calico with a line down her face.  She started as my cat because I took her in when our next door neighbors left her, but she turned out to my mom's and more importantly my grandpa's.
2. Lilly Belle- a black lab/blood hound mix.  She was also supposed to be mine, my puppy, all because I kept begging my mom for another puppy.  She looks like a huge lab with a brownish tint to her coat.
3. Justice- a beautiful blood hound.  We rescued Justice the day after we got Lilly.  He had been severely neglected and it was obvious, but he was probably the sweetest and best dog I have ever met.  And he loved to smile, he would literally pull his lip up and smile with his teeth.
   We had only had Lilly and Justice for a short period of time when our other dog Amos died.  It was heartbreaking.  He was the family dog and we'd had him since we were all so little.  It hit hard and I still miss him today.  One thing I will never forget about that silly dog is that his tail was ALWAYS broken, and he was fast as the wind.  Once he escaped he was off and it sometimes took hours to get him back, but we did get our work out for the day!  Amos was best buddies with one of our cats, Greybeard, and we have pictures from when they were the same size playing with each other.  The only reason that I bring this up is because when Amos was dying, Greybeard went into his kennel and lied with him.  I've had so many people tell me that animals don't have emotions, but after that, that's a hard statement to believe.
   Anyways, the next house was huge and it seemed perfect.  Lots of kids around, a huge back yard, a giant playroom, and I ended up sorta getting my own room.  Plus the next school was much smaller.  I made friends that I will never forget and thanks to modern technology (Facebook) I can kinda keep up with them.
   While we were at this house, my papa moved out.  That was hard.  He'd been living with us for a while and we all knew we'd miss him.  A lot changed then.  My mom and dad both had jobs as opposed to my mom staying at home, so we all rode the bus (which we hated!) and I started watching the kids in small increments of time.
   By the end of the school year we were informed we were moving yet again.  All the way to the coast.  It all seemed so perfect, I'd always wanted to live there and on vacation I never wanted to leave.  But as the end of the school year approached I realized I didn't want to leave.  That last day at school was the hardest.  I spent it hugging my friends and crying.  I went home with one of my friends because all I wanted was to be with her.
   Not only was I leaving a place I was finally so happy at and had great friends and loved the school, but we couldn't find a house that would accept dogs.  Justice found a home right away, being a full-blooded blood hound.  Lilly was supposed to leave the upcoming weekend and I was so sad.  She was supposed to be my puppy and I didn't want her to leave.  When the people came to see her they fell in love with her, and I can't blame them.  I cried the whole time they were there, and they kept telling my it'd be okay, but I didn't want to lose my dog and the thing that bothered me the most was that they kept comparing her to their old dog.  She wasn't their old dog and never would be, end of discussion.  They asked if they could pick her up that weekend so they could go pick up stuff for her and my mom said sure.  That left me three days with her.
   To my luck we found a house that accepted dogs and I could have my own room.  My dad went down early to start work.  We called the people that were supposed to take Lilly and told them they couldn't have her, and we tried to get Justice back, but the other family already loved him.  We got to visit him before we left and he seemed happy.  Before I knew it we were off... to a new home, school, and group of people.

The Move

   When I was about 9 and a half years old, I moved all the way across the country to Texas.  I loved Texas and had been excited about moving from the minute I figured out we were.  We'd been to Texas so many times on vacation and I never wanted to leave.  My parents always told us that some day we'd move back to Texas and I held on to that truth until the day it happened.
   I don't remember much about the actual packing and moving part, but I kinda remember the trip there.  Amos (our basset hound) was riding with my dad in the moving truck and he would put his paws on the dashboard and look around like he ruled the world.  We also had two cats to move with us and boy oh boy did they hate that.  
   I think my most profound memory of that trip was when we stopped at a a certain hotel.  Animals weren't allowed in this hotel, but we refused to leave them in the car.  We walked right in with Amos and hid the cats in there cage under a blanket.  Everyone was staring and pointing at our dog saying, "Oh my gosh! Look at him! He's beautiful."  And I have to say he was probably the most in shape and gorgeous basset hound I have ever seen.
   We were all out by the time we got into the hotel room, Michigan to Texas was a very long drive.
   When we finally got there, to the house none of us had even seen it seemed almost too perfect.  The yard was kinda dead, but the house was very nice.  The neighbors were out all over and before I knew it I met my first friend in Leander, but that's another part of the story.
   Moving in really wasn't all that hard, but we never truly completely unpacked.  But this house felt like home and I was so glad to finally be in the state I'd been wanting to live in my whole life.
   It was in this state that I really grew up and met life-long friends.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Beginning

   Sure life's complicated, but it wasn't always that way.

   Think back to when you were little. When you weren't constantly with your friends and your family seemed like the most important thing in the world.  Now I know things weren't perfect and they never will be, but when you're little you can't understand everything and life seems so wonderful.

   I lived in Michigan for 8 years, and those years I was young, but yet I still remember so much. But it isn't the big things I remember it's all the little things. As simple as building snow forts with my family, little Christmas memories, games of Hide n' Seek, all that.  And when I look back, that was the happiest time of my life.  My family was together and sure things happened that were hard, but we made it and as a little kid I didn't have to worry about it.

  I've always been kinda a momma's girl, to this day.  When I was about 5 my mom got sick.  We still don't know exactly what it was, but that's not the point.  She had to leave for Mayo-Clinic, all the way in another state, and going without my mom seemed so hard, but I was the big sister to two younger siblings and I felt that I had to stay strong for them and set a good example.  My grandma took my mom and they said it'd only be a few days.  Well days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and I missed my mom terribly.  One thing I specifically remember is a talk on the phone with my mom.  I was so happy to get to talk to her, but I missed her so much.  I remember the urge of crying at my mom's voice, but I knew I had to be a "big girl" and not cry as to not make my sister and brother worry.  I remember the night she got back.  I fell asleep waiting at the door, and when they finally got home my mom and grandma came into my room and my grandma woke me up and said, "Do you remember this crazy lady?"  As she pointed to my mom.  I was so happy to see my mom, all feelings of sleep were gone.

   Now I know that miracles are possible and I saw them work on my mom.  The doctors said it would take months for my mom to get better and recover her liver, but within two weeks she was completely better and even the doctors didn't believe it.  Like I've said I was too little to know what was really going on, but I was just happy to have my mom back home with me.

   Much has changed since then, but one thing that will never change: I love my family and although we fight we will always have each other.  Friends come and go, but family is always there.