Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Beginning

   Sure life's complicated, but it wasn't always that way.

   Think back to when you were little. When you weren't constantly with your friends and your family seemed like the most important thing in the world.  Now I know things weren't perfect and they never will be, but when you're little you can't understand everything and life seems so wonderful.

   I lived in Michigan for 8 years, and those years I was young, but yet I still remember so much. But it isn't the big things I remember it's all the little things. As simple as building snow forts with my family, little Christmas memories, games of Hide n' Seek, all that.  And when I look back, that was the happiest time of my life.  My family was together and sure things happened that were hard, but we made it and as a little kid I didn't have to worry about it.

  I've always been kinda a momma's girl, to this day.  When I was about 5 my mom got sick.  We still don't know exactly what it was, but that's not the point.  She had to leave for Mayo-Clinic, all the way in another state, and going without my mom seemed so hard, but I was the big sister to two younger siblings and I felt that I had to stay strong for them and set a good example.  My grandma took my mom and they said it'd only be a few days.  Well days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and I missed my mom terribly.  One thing I specifically remember is a talk on the phone with my mom.  I was so happy to get to talk to her, but I missed her so much.  I remember the urge of crying at my mom's voice, but I knew I had to be a "big girl" and not cry as to not make my sister and brother worry.  I remember the night she got back.  I fell asleep waiting at the door, and when they finally got home my mom and grandma came into my room and my grandma woke me up and said, "Do you remember this crazy lady?"  As she pointed to my mom.  I was so happy to see my mom, all feelings of sleep were gone.

   Now I know that miracles are possible and I saw them work on my mom.  The doctors said it would take months for my mom to get better and recover her liver, but within two weeks she was completely better and even the doctors didn't believe it.  Like I've said I was too little to know what was really going on, but I was just happy to have my mom back home with me.

   Much has changed since then, but one thing that will never change: I love my family and although we fight we will always have each other.  Friends come and go, but family is always there.


  1. This is so great, Matty! Can't wait for more. :)

  2. Thanks, Katie! It's all inspired by you, hun.♥
