Sunday, June 12, 2011

6th Grade

   Moving right next to the coast seemed like a dream for the longest time, but then reality had to come and crash down all around me.  Truth was that I didn't want to leave.  I was happy in Leander, I had good friends, was excited for middle school, and I just plainly didn't want to leave.  But by the time I realized that it was too late.
   The drive was so long and we left around 1 in the morning because that's when we were done packing.  The house was furnished, so when we got there I went straight to what I decided was my room, and went to sleep.
   I thought maybe it was all a dream, but that wasn't the case because when I woke up it was all still there.
   The summer went by long and monotonously.  My parents worked, a babysitter watched us, and every day was long and boring.  We went to the beach occasionally, but we had no friends because we were new and didn't have any opportunities to meet people.  It was so boring and made me miss my friends even more.  I lost all contact with my friends and missed them more and more every day.
   The first day of sixth grade was so scary- another new school, a new group of people, a new everything.  Everyone knew everyone and everyone had been together since they were little.  I would never know what that was like because I had left everything and just kept moving.  I felt like an outcast from the first day I moved there, from that first day of school, and that feeling never quite went away.
   That year would have been torture if it weren't for Isabel.  Isabel ended up being my best friend for a long time.  Her and I were like sisters.  We fought like sisters, but yet we were so close.  
   Anyway- I met Isabel when I didn't know where to go for my Pre-Algebra class.  I was put in my grade math because they didn't know what level I was at.  I was wandering around a three hallway school looking like an idiot when Isabel came up and asked me what was wrong and then told me where to go.  It wasn't like she told me where to go and just left, she stuck with me and kept talking to me.  It was nice, my first real friend at SMA.  I soon bonded with her friends too, but they weren't as long term friends or as close with me as Isabel.
   That school year went by as any normal sixth grade girl's would: friends, boys (kinda), and drama.  But that summer was amazing.
   Isabel basically lived with me all summer.  We really were like sisters.  Whenever we fought she went home, but within a few days she was back and we were best friends again.  We hung out with people from school and my new babysitter turned into my big sister.  Her family was my second family and my siblings and I were with her more than my parents.  Whenever my parents were off we had family time and went to the beach or just spent time together.  It was almost like the perfect mix between friends, family, and everything.
   We lived at the beach that year, we went every day or every other day.  "What do you want to do today?" The answer was always, "Let's go to the beach!" And we always did.
   But nothing would prepare me for the next school year when so much changed.

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